• @Tom News
  • Jan 2017

Chinese transman won court case: fired for inappropriate attire.

By : Ruta
After a long legal struggle, finally, Mister Chen has won the long lasting courtcase for gender freedom, after he has been fired from his company for wearing inappropriate attire. Mister Chen stated that he was born physically as a man but he is in truth - a male. And for that he wore men attire and acted normally like any other man in the office. But then he had to press charge against his own company for firing him, just after he get to work there for a single week. This case has happened last year.

During the process of this case, the Gui Yhang, Nun Jan province court issued an order for Chen's company to pay 843 yuan in comphrensation and 1500 Yuan extra. However, the court declared that there was not enough evidence Chen's statement that he was fired solely for his attire.

Despite all that, Chen stated in an interview that he is glad about the outcome. Because this is the first case to be positively succeed in the sake of LGBT community. His battle, isn't just for the money, but for his own pride. However the fact that the court denied the company discrimination, shows that china's legal system needs to be looked at.